Theta Healing® Planes of Existence Course

A journey that leads outward past the universe.

Create your own reality

Elevate with Eleni - Theta Healing Advanced DNA Course

Course Details

Upon completion of this course, you will be certified as a Planes of Existence practitioner.

The Planes of Existence seminar is the quantum mechanics of metaphysics. It is the wellspring of philosophy behind all the seminars and books of ThetaHealing®. By learning the structure of the Planes of Existence, Vianna was shown that it was possible to create new realities in this lifetime and why she was creating difficult situations in her life. Go on a journey that leads past the universe and discover that with a theta state of mind it is possible to go beyond the speed of light with the power of thought…to connect to a divine energy before it becomes anything in this universe. Experience the connection of the Seventh Plane of the Creator of All That Is, and then go through to the 6th plane and learn about the wisdom of the laws and virtues. On the 5th plane meet ascended masters, angels, dimensions and alternate realities, go to the 4th plane of the ancestors and learning, and to the 3rd plane and why we do what we do. On the 2nd plane meet the plants and their healing properties. Finally, on the 1st plane discover the rocks, the Earth, and the land records. Start the process of developing your own self-mastery.

In this 5-day course you will discover and learn:

  • How the Universe was created and the structure of the planes.
  • Virtues needed to perform a healing as well as other abilities.
  • Vices that block us from our growth and development.
  • Your sacred name on each plane and the sacred languages of the planes.
  • Connect with Ascended Masters, Angels, ancestors, the laws, and animals.
  • Crystal layouts to connect with your ancestors and receive healing.
  • The power of forgiveness, divine timing, fate changers, walk-ins, and more.
  • Remember your future and past lives.
  • Discover the divine mission of the Higher Self.
  • The language of trees and the past knowledge of stones.


June 21-25, 2023 (Online) + (*In-person seminar held in Toronto, Canada). This course includes excursions for some of the exercises to explore the planes.


9:30am – 5:30pm EDT.

Course Fee

$1,300 + deposit ($150) CAD

Course Includes

‘Seven Planes of Existence: The Philosophy of the ThetaHealing® Technique’ by Vianna Stibal.


Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper, You & the Creator, Intuitive Anatomy OR Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper, You & the Creator, You & Your Inner Circle, World Relations.

Discover the fastest growing energy healing technique worldwide


“Dear Eleni, first of all I want to thank you for the wonderful seminar, the calm, thorough and loving patient energy you have taught us with. I wish for you to know, that you have helped me immensely to find the connection, helped me eradicate my doubt/fear and assisted my return to the path of Quantum healing modalities.”

AgotaNew York

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Frequently asked questions

Why is it called Theta Healing?

The Theta State is a state of very deep relaxation; it is used in hypnosis and during REM Sleep. The brain waves are slowed down at a frequency of 4-7 cycles per second. For this reason, people used to meditate consecutively for hours, in order to achieve this state and have access to the absolute perfect calm. Thanks to Vianna Stibal’s discovery and development of the Theta technique, practitioners are able to enter a theta brainwave state in a matter of seconds.

Theta brain waves can be considered the subconscious; they govern the part of our mind that lies between the conscious and the unconscious and retain memories and feelings. They also direct your beliefs and your behavior.

Theta waves are always creative, characterized by feelings of inspiration and very spiritual.

It is believed that this mental state allows you to act below the level of the conscious mind. Scientists have discovered that certain brain wave frequencies (especially the Alpha and Theta) may:

  1. Relieve stress and promote a lasting and substantial reduction in people prone to anxiety states.
  2. Facilitate a deep physical relaxation and mental clarity
  3. Increase verbal ability and also the performance IQ, verbal.
  4. Better synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain.
  5. Recall mental images live and spontaneous imaginative and creative thinking.
  6. Reduce pain, promote euphoria and stimulate the release of endorphins.

Does a Theta Healing session only work in person?

A Theta Healing session can be done in person as well as long distance over zoom, skype, and the phone. Since Theta Healing is an energy healing technique, it does not require the practitioner to be face-to-face with the client in order for it to work.

Can I use the Theta Healing technique on myself?

The Theta Healing technique is very easy to learn. Upon completing the 3-day Basic course, you will be able to access a Theta State and perform healings on yourself as well as others.

Do I have to believe in God/religion for it to work?

No. Theta Healing is an energy healing technique and not a religion. 

Theta Healing is open to all people of various backgrounds regardless of their religion. While Theta Healing welcomes you to incorporate your own religion into the technique, it is not bound to any religion but accepting of all. Creator is defined as the energetic force that is in all things in existence.  

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Are you ready to heal?

It all starts with taking your first Theta Healing Course. If you are interested in learning more, click below.

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